Tanja Olsson Öhrn

Picture of Tanja Olsson Öhrn

073 935 02 91

Core Competencies
Customer Insight, Concept Development, Value-Creating Processes, Collaboration

I help you to…
take the next step with your business in a curious and transparent way. Together, we put the customer at the center and adapt or create new business strategies. By getting to know your customers better, we can also adapt your concept, your offerings, your products, and your services to provide better experiences for customers and visitors.

Based on the needs and behaviors of your existing and potential customers, I help you identify where in your processes you can create greater value and further develop your business. When we discover value-creating opportunities, this can have an impact both in the relationship with the customer and in your internal processes.

I also help you identify new collaboration opportunities, finding good neighbors, where both small and large collaborations can lift everyone’s businesses. Whether your business targets private individuals or sells products and services to other companies.

You can talk to me about…
all those things you talk to yourself about out loud but wish you had more useful and inspiring answers to. Together, we can discuss visions, goals, and strategies. But also more practical and concrete questions such as how you can structure the work moving forward based on customer needs and your internal possibilities. The most important thing for me is that our collaboration feels relaxed and rewarding so that you get results in your business.

You can come to me when you need help and support to take the vague and fluffy vision and concretize what it actually means in practical action. So we get a more tangible plan for you, your colleagues, and employees. Additionally, regardless of the topics we cover in business development and business planning, we will talk a lot about the customer, the customer, and the customer.

What I do best…
Previous partners have described me as a positive force of nature with a strong engine and a level of engagement that spreads energy. You get the opportunity to tap into that energy so that we together come up with dynamic and well-thought-out ideas that develop your business.

One of my strengths as an advisor is my ability to see processes, both internal and customer-facing, and how to work across boundaries to make these processes generate added value. Seeing and identifying processes may seem dull and square, but it can also inspire new business opportunities and identify potential competitive advantages.

What you can expect from a meeting with me…
Sometimes it can be nice to air your thoughts with someone who looks in from the side, who without prestige and internal history can see those small gold nuggets to develop further. In a meeting with me, you will meet someone who is engaged and wants to act as an inspiring catalyst for your business. You get the opportunity to meet a sounding board who, based on your business and your customers, provides practical advice in a relaxed but competent manner.

After a meeting with me, I want you to feel boosted with energy so that we together contribute to a Halland where local businesses create growth and opportunities.

Providing consulting support in the following languages
Swedish and English

Core Competencies
Target Group Analysis, Customer Journey, Concept Development, Channel Selection

I help you to…
Just like in good relationships in everyday life, we listen – in this case, to your customers. Together, we will explore in a curious and attentive way which customers are most relevant to you and your business. Once we have formed an understanding of the customers and their journey, we can also find value-creating opportunities, steps, or touchpoints where you can find communicative advantages in relation to the customer. Based on your customers’ needs and your internal possibilities, we can also look at your existing communication and marketing to develop your concepts, experiences, services, and products so that you get even more impact in sales and a wow-feeling among your customers.

You can talk to me about…
how to identify and understand your customers, and how to adapt your marketing and communication to reach them effectively. You can talk to me about which customers you want to reach and which customers you want to avoid, and how you can cluster your customers to streamline marketing. Together, we can look at brand development and marketing strategies or break down marketing into practical action plans to develop your social media.

Just like with exercise, the most effective communication is the one that actually happens. Sometimes it can be helpful to lower the ambition a bit to feel like you’re making progress. The most important thing for me is that our collaboration feels relaxed and rewarding so that you get results in your business.

What I do best…
In various contexts, I have received feedback that I am good at getting companies to coordinate their resources and get businesses to collaborate to create added value. With curiosity and a large dose of creativity, I can help you and your business find new partners in marketing, sales, and communication. On a large scale, you can get a strategic partner when you need to reposition your brand in a customer-centric way. On a small scale, you can get an idea generator who helps you set up an overviewable monthly plan to get started with a clearer presence on social media.

In a meeting with me, you will meet someone who is engaged and wants to act as an inspiring catalyst for your business. You get the opportunity to meet a sounding board who, based on your business and your customers, provides practical advice in a relaxed but competent manner. Together, we contribute to a Halland where local businesses create growth and opportunities.

What you can expect from a meeting with me…
Previous partners have described me as a positive force of nature with a strong engine and a level of engagement that spreads energy. You get the opportunity to tap into that energy so that we together come up with dynamic and well-thought-out ideas that develop your business.

One of my strengths as an advisor is my ability to see processes, both internal and customer-facing. Behind a well-functioning customer dialogue and communication, there are often several different work processes. Seeing and identifying processes may seem square, but on the contrary, by actively working with the customer journey, the processes instead enable a smooth flow in your concept or the guest’s experience.

Providing consulting support in the following languages
Swedish and English