Sören Fritzner Björnstad
Core Competencies
Procurement, bidding, strategy, competitor analysis
I help you to...
get started with public procurement, grow with public business, and make money from public contracts.
Sweden procures annually for almost 1 trillion SEK (yes, trillion with 12 zeros...) and since I started Anbud Direkt, I have helped small and medium-sized companies find public business, understand how procurement works, and provided concrete tips on how to submit winning bids and make money from the deals.
Together we can set a strategy for the public sector and examine what you and your company need to have in place to participate in public procurement. I often help companies set concrete goals and milestones with clear KPIs.
I also help companies understand how their competitors operate in the public sector. How much do they invoice and which contracts do they hold where you can compete.
You can talk to me about...
how you can sell your services/products more easily to the public sector, how you can win public procurements, and how you can make money from public contracts. We can also discuss how you can understand how your competitors operate in the public sector, how much they invoice, and which contracts they hold where you can compete. Our dialogue will start with where you are in your journey and what you specifically want help with during our consultation.
Often, we need to talk about how your company's offerings, services, and/or products match the needs of authorities, regions, municipalities, and municipal/state-owned companies. You might already know this today, if not, we can work together to figure it out.
We can together look at how your competitors do their business and who they do business with. We can also look at how they charge and often find out how much. If your company is new and innovative, you might not have any direct competitors, so it is not uncommon that we need to think a bit - public buyers will not buy a service they do not know they need/exist.
This is what I do best...
I do my best work when I get to work with owner-managed small and medium-sized companies. Public business is about balancing risk and making strategic decisions. Therefore, it is crucial to have both the mandate to act and a clear vision.
I am an experienced strategist with a strong ability to analyze the market and competitors, identify opportunities, and turn insights into concrete steps forward. Regardless of where you are in your journey, I help you understand where you stand today, what the next step is, and how you reach your goals.
Together we create a clear and actionable plan that matches your resources and ambitions. Every step is concrete, well-founded, and leads forward. The combination of strategy, market insight, and actionability – that is what I do best.
This is what you can expect from a meeting with me...
You can expect that I will give you 100% focus in our meeting and that I genuinely care about you and your company. There is nothing better than helping companies "crack the nut" around public business - that is why I started Anbud Direkt in the first place, and it is still the best part of my job today.
You can trust that I will give you advice based on your unique situation and that I will honestly tell you what I think and feel. When I meet an advisor, I want to speak without filters and clichés - you can expect the same from me. Last but not least, you can expect that after our meeting you will have a list of concrete things to tackle. I will help you with concrete actions you and your company need to take to get started, or move forward, with public business.
Provides consulting support in the following languages
Swedish, Danish, and English